Hydraulic butt fusion welding machine is s uitable for butt fusion welding of plastic pipes and fittin g s made of PE, PP, and PVDF in construction site or workshop.
Optional parts:
SHG 315/90
Welding range : 90mm, 110mm, 125mm, 140mm, 160mm, 180mm, 200mm, 225mm, 250mm, 280mm, 315mm
Maximum effective pulling force: 11000N
F Acer power: 1 0 00W 220V 50Hz
H eater power: 30 00W 220V 50Hz
Hydraulic unit power: 150 0W(0-63bar) 220V 50Hz
Temp. Deviation in surface: 170-250° C ± 7° C
The whole machine consist s of machine body, hydraulic unit, facer, heater, support for heater & facer.